We’re getting a lot of questions from customers about our response to COVID-19. CC beauty LR is committed to standing by you in this difficult time. We are doing everything we can to flatten the curve, while providing you with the highest-quality service and products possible. Here are some answers to the most commonly asked questions.

Can I still place an order and have it delivered?

Yes. CC beauty LR store is still accepting, processing and delivering all domestic and International orders. Your items might be delayed by several days due to high order volumes and carrier delays. Please check your shipping information during checkout or your confirmation email for our best current delivery estimate.

We are still processing and accepting international orders. We are unable to ship orders to certain countries due to delivery restrictions. Please check your shipping information during checkout for detailed information about your country.

Why are express shipping methods (next-day & 2-day delivery) no longer guaranteed?

UPS is unable to guarantee these deliveries due to “unprecedented complexities, which have required us to constantly reassess our operations.” In other words, they’ll try their best but it might take an extra day or two to get your order.

What’s the status of my order?

Click here to check your order status. Please note that your estimated delivery date might have changed since you placed your order due to rapidly changing conditions.

I just got my order. Is it safe?

According to the World Health Organization, the risk of contracting COVID-19 from commercial goods or a shipped package is low. Based on medical experts’ advice, we recommend cleaning your items when they arrive. Open your package and wipe down each item with an alcohol-based cleaner as you unpack it.

Are you still accepting returns?

Yes. The return process, however, might be delayed due to staffing levels and longer-than-normal shipping times. Please click here to start your return process.

Are CC beauty LR store retail stores still open?

Some are still open, but many of them are closed due to government order. Please contact your nearest store directly for more information.

What is CC beauty LR doing about COVID-19?

We’ve taken multiple precautions based on recommendations from the CDC, health officials, and the local governments, including:

  • All employees have their temperatures checked when entering our facility. An employee showing any symptom of a respiratory illness is turned around at the front door.
  • Employees are sanitizing their hands with an alcohol-based cleaner when they enter the building and move between different departments.
  • Frequently-touched surfaces, such as doorknobs, light switches, pallet jacks, carts, etc. are disinfected on a regular basis. CC beauty LR store has hired an outside company to help us with this effort.
  • Employees that can work at home are encouraged to do so. Others are following social distance guidelines.
  • Warehouse employees are provided with protective gear, including hand sanitizer, face masks and gloves.
  • Like other companies, we have raised the hourly pay in the warehouse and call center.

If you have any additional questions about CC beauty LR’s response to COVID-19, please